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Aligned Energy Breath work Jess

Hello, my name is Jess

Breath work came into my life a few years ago, it is a huge part of my own transformation journey and daily practice.

How it all begun.


It was 2019 and I was at a rock bottom. My mum had just passed away after a 3 year cancer battle and had recently ended an unhealthy relationship, the universe put me to my knees.


Unable to communicate my needs and express myself in relationships, living in a space of fear, my anxiety was through the roof. I found myself living off repeating patterns of low self worth and self sabotage behaviour. I was closed off to the world, I shut down to keep myself safe, feelings were hard so it was easier to not feel at all. Throughout my 20s I adapted addictive behaviour patterns to keep myself safe, whether it be running, smoking or restricting my diet I felt so confused I didn't realise at the time how all these limitations and patterns were controlling my life.


I was completely out of alignment, so deep in my own co dependancy I didn't even know what it mean to put myself first. I was unsure of what I wanted from this life, of my own deservingness and unaware that my life was my own responsibility. 

How it all began...

It was time for a change

So I began to invest in myself, first by taking the time to get to know myself, what I actually enjoyed, what I wanted to do with my time, what felt right in my body. Then I started learning about the mind, manifestation and subconscious reprogramming as well as deepening my own spiritual practice. I was beginning to understand that the choices I make for myself everyday in the present moment create my reality, the past was behind me and my future is not here yet.


It was all making sense, I understood it all...but it is one thing to understand but another energy to live in alignment. It wasn't until I discovered breath work that I was able to embody these teachings, moving this energy from my head to my heart.


This energetic shift brought me back into the present moment and allowed me to skyrocket my healing journey. I began to learn how to feel again from a space of love, compassion and forgiveness, for myself and for others.

Everything we need is within us, we are pure potential and our lives are limitless, breathwork unlocks this for us. Breath is the line between the conscious and the subconscious, our inner and outer worlds. It enables us to see who we are, who are not. Allowing you to let go, to get to know yourself, your purpose and enjoy this gift of life we have been given.

What Breathwork has taught me​. Living from the Heart space


You have to be able to open your heart, to feel and to be vulnerable to life to be able to receive all its beauty and its lessons. Without sadness we would not understand joy, without loss we would not understand love, without chaos we would not know peace.This is natures rhythm, the ebb and flow of life, we are forever flowing between these opposing states of consciousness.


In todays world it can be hard to feel our emotions, it is easier to close off our hearts and just go into autopilot, to be co-dependant by looking after others and abandoning our own needs or hyper independent where we don't need anyone or anything, whilst deep down we are scared of being alone.


We are often living trapped in the thoughts of the pasor worried about the future but what if I told you non of that exists! The past is behind you and the future is not here yet, all that exists is the forever unfolding present moment. When we learn to live in the power of the present moment, we learn to master our thoughts, regulate our emotions and choose our reality. 


Love is the reason why we are here, we are the universe experiencing itself through our consciousness, to love and be loved is the human experience. It all beings with learning to love and accept every part of yourself authentically. The more we can learn to live from the heart space and see life through the lens of love, compassion and forgiveness the more the universe will provide us with.


Find comfort in the discomfort. Facing your fears with love.


'Comfort' is something that we are told we need to strive for, however being in our discomfort, being brave and courageous is where our growth lies. The comfort we choose to live in is our 'known reality' our patterns, programmes, habits, our familiar. It is within the power of the unknown where our fullest potential and our dreams lie and this is on the other side of our fears, shadows and discomfort. 

Sri Lanka Clients


 I am based in Colombo, where I facilitate monthly group workshops, so if you are new to breath work or are looking for a class please send me a message for details. I also work with clients on a 1:1 basis in person in Colombo.


International Clients


If you are here from abroad, I work with my international clients online via zoom and also run a monthly online workshop. Please send me a message to find out more details.


SOMA Breath Therapist & Transformational Coach

SOMA 95 hours of Breathwork Instructor Certification
SOMA Breath Therapy Instructor
SOMA Breath

Living in alignment 


My offerings come from different trainings and techniques, that resonate with my energy. I have dedicated the past 5 years to understanding myself, these techniques I use in my own life. It is through using these tools to guide me into a deeper understanding of self, I have been able to transform my life.



  • Subconscious mind reprogramming 

  • Energy lifestyle training (dosha)

  • Awakening Journey

  • Breathwork foundations 

  • Breath awareness  

  • Nervous System Regulation training

  • Somatic exercises

  • Neurosomatic Therapy

Are you ready to step into the fullest version of yourself?
Let go of the past and align with your purpose?

If the answer is YES then lets arrange a Free Discovery Call and see what type of session you are wanting, what to expect, how we can work together and answer any of your questions.

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